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I&I MicroDetection

Track Infiltration and Inflow (I&I) quickly and cost effectively

Finding I&I can be challenging

Detecting and locating infiltration and inflow (I&I) can be a challenging and expensive process. Wastewater collection systems are extensive with numerous pipes, manholes, and connections. The size and complexity make it challenging to pinpoint the exact location of infiltration or inflow sources which can lead to Sanitary System Overflows (SSOs), lack of adequate collection system capacity and increased treatment costs.

Finding and locating I&I can be a difficult task, especially when most models only detect the problem within a few miles. We utilize cutting-edge micro-detection technologies and algorithms to quickly and accurately isolate the line segments that are causing excess I&I within a basin down to the street level.

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I&I MicroDetection Track Infiltration and Inflow quickly and cost effectively



Collection Basin Image

We do it with instant feedback and pinpointing pipelines. 

  • Duke’s micro-detection units and software identify specific areas to address for I&I management.
  • Custom algorithms compare system characteristics during dry days to system characteristics during rain events to provide charts, graphs, and reports on I&I flows.
  • Deliverables are provided in Duke’s Insight 360, an easy-to-use on-line digital platform.

By pinpointing these specific areas, we can reduce the time locating I&I and focus on prioritizing and fixing the source of I&I.  

Duke's Insight 360

Duke’s Insight 360 is an intuitive online platform for identifying high I&I locations in sewer collection systems. With the click of a button, users can easily access comprehensive data on:

  • Severity Ratings- Quick identification of problem areas
  • Dynamic Graphs with Rainfall
  • Summary Report- PDF format

Users can quickly identify problem areas and view data from anywhere with an internet connection, providing access and storage of information upon project completion allowing for efficient management of sewer systems.





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I&Idukes Pie Chart
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After pinpointing these specific areas, you can focus on prioritizing and fixing the source of I&I. Following up with CCTV Inspection & Cleaning, Smoke & Dye Testing or Manhole inspections may be needed to determine corrective actions.